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As a full-time working mom, I constantly struggle to stay organized. From the chaos of our laundry/mudroom, to the constant playroom mess, to art/school papers/mail always piling up.... it is never ending and exhausting. In this new blog series, I'll offer up some road-tested mom hacks for organizing your life. I'll focus on key areas in the home with anxiety inducing clutter. Click on the images above to explore each of my Mom Hacks.
***Amazon Affiliate links may be included in recommendations. I may earn compensation from qualifying purchases. I grew up with camping trips being most of our summer vacations. It meant shoving tons of supplies in our car, spending hours fumbling with the tent at the camp site, eating wet sandwiches or burnt weenies, and sleeping on the rock hard ground praying no snakes got in the tent. As a grown-ass lady, I am not doing that nonsense again, ever... but I love nature and want to my kids to have great memories in beautiful parks across America. A few years ago, my husband and I rented an RV for the first time and had an amazing experience and trip. I've since learned many lessons to have great trips, an organized set-up, and awesome eats (no matter the weather). I won't impart all my wisdom on you in this post, but will share the key packing and prepping tips that I've learned (often the hard way). PACKING TIP #1 If you have little ones in the RV, the best way to organize their outfits and maximize your storage is to roll each kid's outfit (complete with undies, socks, matching bows, etc) and stuff it in an over the door shoe organizer, https://amzn.to/3eMZssH. This is a game changing move; you can tell when you need to do laundry in a second and don't have dumped bags of kid stuff all over the RV. PACKING TIP #2 Put everything in baskets, bins, and organizers BEFORE packing in the RV's cabinets/drawers. Things get bumpy on the road and without a containment situation in your storage areas, you're going to have a big mess, promise. I love using a cutlery caddy, https://amzn.to/2NMyViY, for plastic forks, spoons, knives, paper plates, and napkins; this way your family has everything in front of them (no matter if you're eating on a picnic table or in the RV). Plus the caddy helps limit all the opening and shutting drawers in cramped spaces in the kitchen (ouch, my knee hurts just thinking about those drawers). PACKING TIP #3 Pack an Instapot, https://amzn.to/3dPHG6F! Inclement weather can make dinner camping a major drag. I always check the forecast but no matter the prediction, I have a couple Instapot "dump and click" meals prepped and packed (future post with recipes - stay tuned). Also, the Instapot is key to moms actually enjoying nature during your RV trip. Instead of hiding out in the RV cooking breakfast, I'll drag the Instapot out to the picnic table and make scrambled eggs while the kids play ball or dig in the dirt. PREPPING TIP #1 The packing tip on Instapot is the perfect segue to what you'll need to prep. Most of the prep is meals #sorrymama. In addition to the "dump and click" meals, I also have a list of usual suspects for all our RV adventures:
PREPPING TIP #2 Drinks are a key component for our RV enjoyment <<CHEERS>> and having some fun vacation drinks is a nice way to feel like we're out of the norm. In addition to some wonderful bottles of wine (those ribeyes need a bottle of Bonanza Cab), I prep some other lovely elixirs:
PREPPING TIP #3 As delicious as that spicy Tajin will be on your ranch water, lugging another item is not reasonable. A big shout out to www.organizedchaosonline.com for this hack I love - repurpose a pill organizer, https://amzn.to/38hMyjR, for your spices in the RV. So brilliant; I just can't even take credit. The five minute this prep requires will save so much space and digging around drawers on your camping adventure. I'll pull together more RV hacks and tips soon; until then, let me know what awesome ideas I missed. While you're waiting, check out some other top finds here!
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COVID-19 is still here (even though we may be bored with him #thingsAmericasays). I just learned our school district is doing 100% distance learning for a minimum of three weeks... so how can I take the shitshow lessons of this spring and become a wiser homeschool mom? Here are my hacks (click the image to read the blog tips and tricks). ***Amazon Affiliate links may be included in recommendations. I may earn compensation from qualifying purchases. Life in COVID-19.... such fun. Here are a few hacks I've found to help with our sanity and health during the pandemic. Let me know what your crew is doing to stay sane as Texas encounters our big spikes this summer.
There are lots of other fun things we've done while staying home: gardening, organizing, checking out "drive thru" exhibits, and enjoying our backyard. I hope to hear what you've been doing to make the most of these challenging times! ![]() ***Amazon Affiliate links may be included in recommendations. I may earn compensation from qualifying purchases. I grew up in the 80s and my childhood hairstyle was courtesy of my mother's Friskars. I always had loopsided, too-short bangs. Clearly, I'm scarred by the whole ordeal. Now that I have a daughter of my own, I promise to never cut her hair at home. Little did I know how dealing with little girl hair is totally different ball of a wax than my son (wash and go). The tangle situation can cause major meltdowns. With a lot of trial and error, I think I've perfected the hair care regiment to reduce tangles and hopefully keep Brynne from remembering me as some psycho Mommy-Dearest type. After shampooing her hair, I've been using this Paul Mitchell Conditioner, https://amzn.to/2Vyy2zc. I started using it myself to protect my hair color and was amazed how easy it was to brush my hair out after showering. It works just as well on little Miss. The other remedy that I swear by is this UNITE Detangler with SPF, https://amzn.to/38d8VqG. I spray her hair each morning and it really cuts down on the snags and tears. Just as important as the products is the instrument; I swear by the Wet Brush, https://amzn.to/2Vx7wpR. Even at three years old, she can do an initial pass through with this brush. ![]() ***Amazon Affiliate links may be included in recommendations. I may earn compensation from qualifying purchases. My son recently became obsessed with fish sticks; living in Texas, I've learned you do not turn the oven on in the summer (the end). I've always heard good things about air fryers and faced with the prospect of microwaving fish all summer (BLECH)... I bit. The Tidylife Air Fryer, https://amzn.to/2ZsXwyO, has been way more than I ever expected. We have found a zillion uses for this dreamboat: from roasted veggies to quesadilla-for-one to elevated grocery store frozen appetizers to the best wings I've ever made at home (big shout out to Stay Snatched for the 5 + 5 + 12 minute approach to get that perfect crisp and juicy wing). It has become such a staple of our family cooking that we actually packed it for our recent beach vacation. Our friends at the beach house rental instantly fell in love. The whole term "air frying" is a bit of misnomer; it seems to me like a high powered mini convection oven, but damn, those Ore-Ida waffle fries come out Chick-fil-A caliber. It cleans up in the sink super fast with the "cage thing" separating from the "catcher tray thingamajig." My only gripe is that is is BIG (and kinda' ugly). It takes up a lot of valuable counter space and resembles a Star Wars knockoff spaceship. I just hide ours on the floor of the pantry for easy access almost daily. ***Amazon Affiliate links may be included in recommendations. I may earn compensation from qualifying purchases. After my second child, Brynne, was born, I discovered the Angelcare Bath Support, https://amzn.to/2YPG8Fp. This simple baby product is a lifesaver. It allows two kids (if one's a baby) to bathe together! Brynne was able to lounge and enjoy the shallow water in her netted hammock while Bennett splashed and had fun. ![]() Washing a toddler's hair with a newborn in the same zip code is a challenge, let alone in the same tub. This product gives your new addition a safe haven from the flailing limbs of an older sibling and doesn't require the neck support and core strength of some sitting bath products. It's been a few weeks since we put away the Angelcare Bath Support, and bath time is WHOLE lot crazier. Brynne now likes sitting, standing and walking around the tub; I wish I could convince her bath time is supposed to be relaxing. If you're expecting baby #2, put this on the top of your shopping list. ![]() Welcome to the first post in my 'Baby Registry Must-Haves' series! This week, I'm featuring those necessary items for feeding your newborn. Links to all the products are here. <From the top, left to right, then down - you get the picture> 1. Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Travel Bottle and Food Warmer Set
2. Name Bubbles Baby Labels
3. Boon Grass Drying Rack (with accessories)
4. Aden + Anais Snap Bibs
5. JJ Cole Bottle Cooler
6. Dr Brown's Bottles
7. Boon Clutch Dishwasher Basket
I hope this first post in my 'Baby Registry Must-Haves' series helps build your baby registry! Stay tuned for more upcoming posts to complete your registry with road-tested, mommy endorsed products! If you love it, buy it! Photo credits: Boon Grass Drying Rack, image from Babies1st, http://babies1st.com/p-145942-boon-stem-grass-lawn-drying-rack-accessory.aspx Dr Brown's Bottles http://www.buybuybaby.com/1/1/5150-dr-browns-natural-flow-single-8-ounce-bottle-from-dr-browns.html Boon Clutch Dishwasher Basket http://www.giggle.com/Boon-Clutch-Dishwasher-Basket/0004099128,default,pd.html aden + anais snap bib http://www.adenandanais.com/en-us/productlanding/4623/baby/bib-burp-cloths/snap-bibs/classic-snap-bibs/snap+bibs.aspx Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Travel Bottle and Food Warmer Set http://www.toysrus.com/buy/infant-care/tommee-tippee-closer-to-nature-travel-bottle-food-warmer-set-522010-4361041 JJ Cole Bottle Cooler http://jjcolecollections.com/bottle-cooler Name Bubbles baby labels http://www.namebubbles.com/Labels-By-Use/Baby-Labels/Baby-Labels-Pack/Product.aspx?ProductID=140&DeptID=12&AdID=282 ![]() The first rule of parenting: DO NOT kill the child. I love my baby. I love my dogs. My baby loves dogs (weird). In fact, Bennett is always all over the dogs (and vice versa). As a good dog mother, I always had applied a once-a-month topical flea and tick treatments. After having my human baby, I did a little research on these treatments. Many options on the market include organophosphates and carbamates that work to kill fleas and ticks by interfering with the transmission of nerve signals. I learned that I was using one of the 'safer' products on the market, but topical treatments can put children (and the dogs, too) at risk of poisoning and have the potential for long term effects on the brain and nervous system. In no way did I want to put Benny at risk, especially considering he's spends so much time on the floor and smooching his face into the dogs' fur. Upon discovering NexGard, I have a sense of relief in my child's safety and dogs' health. This amazing little chewy treat kills fleas and ticks. We've only been using this treatment for a month, but let me tell you... it works! We live in the Philadelphia suburbs in a wooded neighborhood loaded with ticks; I've yet to find a tick on any of the pooches since giving them the new treatment. When using the topical application on the dogs, I was always stressing about the baby touching them (or even my husband or me) and spreading the chemical on our hands. Now I don't have to worry a bit; I just give them a 'treat' and relax for the next 30 days. Believe me, or just ask your vet for all the details. If you love it, buy it! ![]() ***Amazon Affiliate links may be included in recommendations. I may earn compensation from qualifying purchases. I've always considered myself pretty good at only having things in my life that I love and actually use. When I was single living in Philadelphia, I managed to live in a 400 (ish) square foot apartment with virtually no storage and zero clutter. Now I have a baby, and the amount of crap this child necessitates is ridiculous! I was convinced while pregnant that I would never be 'that mom' schlepping around multiple bulging bags just to go run a few errands; but, I am. The reason I'm 'that mom,' is because babies need stuff, and a lot of it! Granted if I'm just running to the supermarket for a quick trip, I'll shove a diaper, wipes and toy in my handbag and call it good. But if I'll be out of the house for more than 45 minutes with my little one, I need to have an arsenal of supplies to combat the litany of scenarios he's already thrown my way while on the go. Hauling all this crap is a pain, literally, a pain. My handbag and his diaper bag are heavy and the straps dig into my shoulder (making it nearly impossible to tote both and carry him). If I opt to just put both bags in the cart, the basket is half full before I start shopping. Initially, I had the Buggygear™ Buggy Heart Stroller Hook, https://amzn.to/2CRtux5. This hook is pretty good for a mini-outing (accommodating one, maybe two small to medium sized bags pretty easily). The only issue with this hook is that the heavier items tend to slip the hook to the side of the stroller handle causing the bottom of the bags to end up rubbing on the stroller wheels. Being a fan of Buggygear™ products, I stumbled across their Boutique Stroller Hooks, https://amzn.to/2BR1fy7, and figured it was worth a try. After road testing these bad boys this weekend, I'm thrilled to announce that they are awesome! The hooks are a breeze to attach to stroller handles with rubber straps that clasp shut easily. Also, you can put them anywhere (not just on the top of the handle like most other hooks); this allowed me to put them lower on the stroller braces and helped prevent tipping (this picture was taking without the baby in the stroller and even with my handbag, his diaper bag and a huge Old Navy shopping bag - NO TOPPLING OVER). The double hook feature accommodated everything and eliminated rubbing on the stroller wheels (just a bit of rubbing from that massive Old Navy bag). I can't wait to try them out on a shopping cart (oh, the things motherhood makes exciting). |
Feel like shopping?Check out some of the top finds featured in the blogs.
GOALMommy Endorsed is a blog dedicated to helping you know how to make life easier for the whole family. Sponsors and advertisers are not entitled to a positive review.
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